The TR5000-D7 Treadmill Desk
The Lifespan TR5000-DT7 Treadmill Desk review is as good as it gets in the world of desk treadmills and office fitness.
Lifespan makes two series, the DT5 and the DT7. The refined contemporary design ensures that this model will fit into any office or home environment. The DT7 is designed for heavy use in office and community settings. The motor is engineered to generate an impressive 3HP at 1725 rpm.
Some home models cannot run for extended periods because of their engine construction. This is a strong workhorse and everything about it is durable. The workspace surface is mounted on a steel frame.
Free Membership To Lifespan Club
This Lifespan TR5000 DT7 Review would be incomplete if we did not mention that all lifespan models come with a free membership to the Lifespan Club. Blue tooth enabled, allows your device to track and sync data and statistics using a USB data port or one of the free lifespan apps.
Maintenance-free 2.5mm Habasit belt which is thicker for added comfort.
Electronically adjustable workspace. It can support heights from 4′ 10″ up to 6′ 8″ so this is ideal if you are a basketball player.
2 Pre-Set Heights
Another cool feature is the option to save 2 pre-set heights. Perfect for shared settings. The desk has two desktop options, 38″ or 48″ wide. The five-digit console is very easy and convenient to use because it is integrated into the center of the armrest thereby saving space.

This desk treadmill is so quiet that belt markings help to identify when the treadmill is in motion.
6 independent compression shocks ensure that hips, back, knees and feet will be cushioned.
The DT7 model can support weight up to 400lbs.
Intelli-Step (TM) works just like a built-in pedometer and counts the steps taken and stores the data.
Safety is ensured with the Intelli-Guard and the safety key. The treadmill automatically pauses after 20 seconds of inactivity. The safety key carefully ceases belt motion at a moment’s notice.
Best in class construction. Heavy-duty build with water-resistant black anodized side rails.
The warranty will give you a lifetime on the frame, 3 years on the motor, 2 years on parts, and 1 year on labor.
The price has been dropped and when I last compared, Amazon had this going for $2,687 and Lifespan had the TR5000-DT7 Treadmill Desk for $2,499
If you want something more vigorous than a maximum of 4 mph you may want a traditional treadmill. These treadmill desks are specifically designed for walking which also helps with the concentration of tasks. It is a lot harder to do any office-type work while running.
Maybe a little too compact for taller people. The walking area is 20″ X 56″
The under-desk keyboard tray may be hard to install.
The Verdict
This Desk Treadmill will certainly get you off your chair and walking while you are at work. The robust design and well-engineered features make it a good long-term investment for any individual or an office that would like to branch out into desk treadmills. The 30-day money-back guarantee makes it even more appealing. Try it out and see if it is a good fit for your needs.
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